“Active April” 18/2024

Be active outside. Plant some seeds and encourage growth. Active April Calendar Hahahaha…. not likely today! I mean, I did go for a walk as the dog was begging, but it was just over a km, and it wasn’t really fun. I did water the seeds downstairs and ensure that they got turned for evenContinue reading ““Active April” 18/2024″

“Active April” 17/2024

Try out a new exercise or activity class. Active April Calendar It’s a long story, but the short version is that I did indeed do this today. I tried out chair yoga and a walking program. I did these beside my sister-in-law and enjoyed both of them. I wad impressed with how relaxed my neckContinue reading ““Active April” 17/2024″

“Active April” 16/2024

Go exploring outside your usual area and notice things Active April Calendar Well, if this meant in a car, I did a road trip and noticed “stuff.” Hardly walked 1000 steps in the entire day, but that’s what travel days are like. But a good time was had, and that’s the real icing on theContinue reading ““Active April” 16/2024″

“Active April 15/2024

Get active today by singing even if you think you can’t sing. Active April Calendar The wind sucked me dry Had to dig to find music Which drove wind sounds out 2.2 km walk in a howling wind. It’s hard to believe the photo of the crocuses doesn’t show the movement. Bernie

“Active April” 14/2024

Relax your body & mind with yoga, Tai chi or meditation Active April Calendar Sometimes, in generic challenges, they just don’t fit. And neither yoga, Tai chi, or meditation are things I practice. But I did take a moment of quiet at sunset to practice gratitude and listen to the meadowlark sing. There will be,Continue reading ““Active April” 14/2024″

“Active April” 13/2024

Make sleep a priority and go to bed in good time. April Activity Calendar Yeah, well, sleep often plays by its own rules. Last night was not stellar on two fronts; my right hip and my grandson. I’d finally get back to sleep after wrestling with pain, and he’d wake me up. So I wasn’t,Continue reading ““Active April” 13/2024″

“Active April” 12/2024

Move as much as possible, even if you are stuck inside. Active April Calendar I absolutely managed today’s calendar item. The morning included weights and resistance training followed by a run-up 3 flights of stairs for some quilting. Then, back down and out for a 2.5 km walk in the icky, windy morning weather. ThenContinue reading ““Active April” 12/2024″

“Active April” 11/2024

Definitely off on a tangent here but there is a certainly a reason. Today was a busy work day, again with the added aspect of teaching. Which, don’t get me wrong, I totally enjoy. BUT it is exhausting. So today, rather than an activity or exercise goal, I have set a commitment to myself. IContinue reading ““Active April” 11/2024″

“Active April” 10/2024

Have a day with less screen time and more movement” Active April Calendar I hit the “nail on the head” today. The morning was spent helping at school, the early afternoon on assisting my daughter with a big project and late afternoon quilting. Which despite what many people think involves a lot of sit andContinue reading ““Active April” 10/2024″

“Active April ” 9/2024

Turn housework or chores into a fun form of exercise Active April Calendar Well I can tell you that I spent an hour vacuuming and never did figure out how to turn it into something other than …drum roll…vacuuming. It’s enough exercise dragging the cords up and down 4 flights of stairs and moving theContinue reading ““Active April ” 9/2024″

“Active April” 8/2024

Give your body a boost by laughing or making someone laugh Active April Calendar I laughed but with total irony today. The day dawned with blue skies. We had a decent ride in the am with no wind but could see the cloud cover in the west. I enjoyed breakfast on the verandah while listeningContinue reading ““Active April” 8/2024″

“Active April ” 7/2024

Get natural light early in the day. Dim the lights in the evening. Active April Calendar And so that’s what I did. The sunlight was bouncing around the room and I chose to arise earlier than usual. The dog and I enjoyed some quiet outside time enjoying the sun and the warm air. The silenceContinue reading ““Active April ” 7/2024″


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