“Active April” 30/2024

Make time to run, swim, dance, cycle or stretch today. Active April Calendar I had to kick my ass to get it done. A dull, cloudy day doesn’t inspire me, and somehow, a bike ride didn’t call my name. I had spent 4 hours doing heavy lifting and organizing, and my back was exhausted. OnContinue reading ““Active April” 30/2024″

“Active April” 29/2024

Find a second gear for your workout today. Push the boundaries. Active April Calendar I found first gear, which, for a while, I wasn’t even sure I would. Then, once into my weights and resistance training, I tried to step it up as much as I could.  Followed this with a decent 2.50 km walk.Continue reading ““Active April” 29/2024″

“Active April” 28/2024

Find a fun exercise to do while the kettle is boiling. Active April Calendar I rarely use the kettle unless I am not feeling well. So I decided that the tickling and zerberting of wee lad J in amongst making pizza for supper counted. I also picked him up and threw him in the airContinue reading ““Active April” 28/2024″

“Active April” 25/2024

Have a no screen night and take time to recharge yourself. Active April Calendar I spent most of the evening cleaning out the basement storage room. Which was productive but exhausting. I had spent the afternoon cleaning out the garage storage, which was also exhausting. So frankly it felt darn good to sit down atContinue reading ““Active April” 25/2024″

“Active April” 23/2024

Go out and do an errand for a loved one or a friend. Active April Calendar Turns out I absolutely did this. Fortunately, I am flexible in how I plan my days, and so a last-minute phone call just required a flex. It was a productive morning helping out and then I went about myContinue reading ““Active April” 23/2024″

“Active April” 22/2024

Enjoy moving to your favourite music today. Active April Calendar I think it’s a crappy prompt for Earth Day, but I did complete it. If by competing it, you count turning on music while I dusted and then cleaned a bathroom. The best part of the day, though, was the walk on the native prairieContinue reading ““Active April” 22/2024″

“Active April” 20/2024

Focus on eating a rainbow of vegetables today. Active April Calendar I managed a lot of green today, 3 meals worth. There was a titch of red, some white and some brown (while beans are  veggies baked beans seem sort of like they aren’t veggies and they mostly come out brown). So, it’s not nearContinue reading ““Active April” 20/2024″

“Active April” 19/2024

Spend less time sitting today. Get up and move more often. Active April Calendar OK. I managed this one just fine. I sat to drive, and I sat for short time periods during the grandkids’ swim lessons, but that was pretty much it. I am often concerned about how much my other half sits. AllContinue reading ““Active April” 19/2024″


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