Squares May 22/24

The river renews during spring runoff The bike moving forward for a spring ride Bernie I was a whiny Canuck and didn’t want to ride as it was cloudy and only 10 degrees but I did. 18 km and then a 1 km run once I got to the pitch. There was no rain andContinue reading “Squares May 22/24”

Squares May 8/24

Squares has returned, and I have decided to use 3six5snap to capture new daily photo(s) that meet the criteria of being square in nature and follows the theme as set by Becky at The Life of B. Constructed a century plus ago Decommissioned half a century ago Reconstructed 30 years ago Portions demolished by wildfiresContinue reading “Squares May 8/24”

“Active April” 18/2024

Be active outside. Plant some seeds and encourage growth. Active April Calendar Hahahaha…. not likely today! I mean, I did go for a walk as the dog was begging, but it was just over a km, and it wasn’t really fun. I did water the seeds downstairs and ensure that they got turned for evenContinue reading ““Active April” 18/2024″


Travel & Photography


Travel and photography blog

The life of B

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Following A Bold Plan

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Everyday Lillie

Food, DIY, Canadian Travel, Conversations

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