“Active April ” 6/2024

Scan your body and recognize how it feels Active April calendar I awoke feeling well rested after a fabulous sleep. I did miss the sunrise, but that’s OK as I needed the shut eye. Unfortunately, my back didn’t feel as happy as the mind. So, the first scan directed me to a hot shower andContinue reading ““Active April ” 6/2024″

“Active April” 5/2024,

Eat healthy and natural food today and drink lots of water.” April Activity Calendar That’s super easy on one account. I am a water drinker in a huge way. It’s my beverage of choice. Nothing beats an icy cold glass of water in my mind. People are always astonished by how much water I canContinue reading ““Active April” 5/2024,”

“Active April” 4/ 2024

Turn a regular activity into a playful game today Active April Calendar I took the liberty to switch out the 4th and the 5th due to how things were working out with grankidlet care. So today’s activity included the last HIIT workout (followed by Big A riding my bike for a while), loads of waterContinue reading ““Active April” 4/ 2024″

“Active April” 3/2024

Listen to your body and be grateful for what it can do Active April calendar And that’s what I did. I dialed back the upper body and core strength to a high medium as I am just getting over the flu. But overall, I felt it went well. Then, I connected with a friend overContinue reading ““Active April” 3/2024″

“Active April” 2/2024

Spend as much time as possible outdoors today. Active April It was a beautiful spring day and it just screamed to go outside. So part one included a text to a friend and an arrangement to go for a city walk before my appointment.  This is a very special friend who doesn’t always live nearContinue reading ““Active April” 2/2024″

“Active April” 1/2024

Commit to being more active this month starting today Active April calendar I set goals for the next six months, and recognizing that accountability is key, I am making them public, and I plan to track them as well. There. It’s written down. I will be checking back here and updating how it’s going. IContinue reading ““Active April” 1/2024″


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