Whimsical works Wednesday

Local art warms my heart

Sask made Sask “maps”

Simply put, “it spoke my language”

Sask map with wheat


Published by Bernie

I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

4 thoughts on “Whimsical works Wednesday

    1. My regular blog media is getting full, so I occasionally pop over to my old daily one for cute pictures. I love to record the little moments of life.


  1. Hi Bernie, so nice to meet you. I don ‘t think we’ve met before here in blogland? From what I’ve read your blog might be relatively new? If so, welcome and I look forward to getting to know you more. Love those artworks! If you poke around my blog you’ll see that I love to do art myself. With all the current events in my family life though I haven’t had time to do any for quite some time. I’ll get back to it eventually I hope. I’m so pleased you found #WWWhimsy and linked up with us. Wishing you a very Happy Easter! xo


    1. Min, I am definitely not new to blogging! I started my first one in 2006 and my main personal one in 2012, my daily photo one (3six5snap) about 4 years ago. I’ve been following Deb and Sue for about 4 years? Sometime during the pandemic. I have popped in to yours before and think I have left a comment but maybe it ended up in spam (which is where I just found yours!). I don’t always do the WWWwhimsy thing as I find it “hard” by definition to hit the whimsy part of it but occasionally it works out with something i have planned. Bernie


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